Frequently asked questions.

Rozana ALbanawi FAQs


Are you a therapist? Psychologist?

My bachelor’s is in Educational Psychology, and in my Masters I took modules in Counseling and Helping Skills, but I wouldn’t identify as a psychologist (first it requires a PhD, second my aim was not to practice it). I love to spread knowledge about it. I am a firm believer in therapy myself, I have sought therapy since my young adulthood and the gains of that are endless. I am accredited by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialities as an assistant psychology practitioner. I identify more as a psycho-educational worker, such as referring coaching clients to the services they need within the realm of counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatry, and so on. 

How did you start your career?

I started in part-time employment as a teacher, then full-time employment as a job advisor, then in 2013 I decided to be a self-employed Solopreneur.

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What languages do you speak and why?

Arabic, English, and eccentric conversational-French that gets me going. 

How did you start your career?

I started in part-time employment as a teacher, then full-time employment as a job advisor, then in 2013 I decided to be a self-employed Solopreneur.

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What are your credentials? 

Check my certifications here.

What is your work background? 

I started in education, elementary-high school, teaching and counseling, then in employment advisory and mentoring. Kindly check my ‘about’ for more details.

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Services FAQs


What do you do? What services do you offer?

Kindly check the services page. Having said that, I am open to discuss new ideas to co-create potential services (that are not in the list) as long it is within my scope and expertise. Most of my most fulfilling work experiences were new ideas and novel experiences that I wholeheartedly said yes to!

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Who are your services for?

Corporate, individuals. Big groups, small groups. Retreats, community building gatherings. 

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Coaching FAQs


Is Coaching for me?

Are you:

1.  Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery?

2.  Open to deepen the learning about yourself and your world?

3.  Ready to engage with feedback that opens possibilities?

4.  Committed to continuous ‘personal & professional growth’?

5.  Eager to step into your own leadership and shift the relationship with yourself?

6.  Motivated to be a more conscious and self-aware person?

7.  Are you ready to claim full responsibility & assume leadership in your life?

If yes, contact me for an initial complimentary sample session (30 mins).

Who do you coach?

Leaders - in other words, those responsible for their world, as in CTI’s definition. 

Leadership FAQs


What are the characteristics of a leader? 

Leadership is a ginormous word (like art or creativity) and it can mean different roles in different contexts. In my sessions, we look at it holistically, body, mind and soul. We also look at your self-awareness levels, and how you want to be responsible for the world that you are in (which can be your own relationship with yourself, your family, your clients, your social media, the options are endless).


What is LOD?

LOD is an abbreviation for Leadership & Organizational Development.

I have mixed feelings about being a leader. Can I opt out? 

You are not alone in feeling this way. 

Some assume it’s just being responsible alone in a world of chaos. However, in our work together, we will explore how it can bring joy, meaning and so much fun. I personally had mixed feelings about owning my inner leader until I understood how to develop my leadership skills. This is what we will be doing during the coaching journey. 

Who is a leader in your opinion?

A lot of my clients are surprised when they come to me and I tell them, you are a fully fledged leader already just from the stories they share. Topics that include: teamwork, impact on others, how to influence and be influenced, the role of my values in my leadership style, reading the room (in other words, what is needed here & now), and how to be glocal in today’s world. Also, we work on spiritual and personal development, as essential personal growth tools that are crucial to the work of leaders who want to be of service in their circles and communities.